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教会役員 Deacons
Pastor Tomo Yamanaka
Born in 1971 in Kobe city, Hyogo. Grew up in a strict Bushido-believing Samurai descendant family. In the struggle of questioning the inherited life values and world views, Tomo encountered Christianity. It was by an aged American missionary, the late Miss. Mary Ellen Gudeman. (TEAM) It was not an instant conversion but the beginning of his journey for meaning and purpose in life.
In 1992, during a church discipleship training called Evangelism Explosion, Tomo experienced a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit which resulted in him the full assurance of his salvation in Jesus Christ.
Tomo studied photojournalism, and political science and finished his bachelor of science degree in Mission/Bible at Lancaster Bible College in Pennsylvania, USA in 1996. Later he finished his master's degree at Alliance Theological Seminary in New York in 2001. Tomo's initial vision after his conversion was to go serve as a missionary in the Communist countries in Eastern Europe and China but he acknowledged finally God's calling for him was to return to Japan and share the gospel with his people.
Since his return to Japan, Tomo served as a church planter and a pastor in four different prefectures (Nagano, Yokohama, Osaka, and Kyoto). Out of his passion for the role and purpose of the local church, he has authored a book called "The Ship: Allegorical Ecclesiology" (Bungeisha & Duranno Publisher).
He is also a board member of the drug rehab ministry, Teen Challenge Japan, and the national director of Evangelism Explosion Japan.
山中知義 牧仕
1992年、Evangelism Explosionと呼ばれる教会の弟子訓練中に、超自然的な聖霊体験をし、結果、イエス・キリストにある自分の救いを完全に確信するに至る。
フォトジャーナリズムと政治学を学び、1996年に米国ペンシルバニア州のランカスター聖書大学で宣教/聖書学の学士号を取得。その後、2001年にニューヨーク州のAlliance Theological Seminaryで修士号を取得。 最初のビジョンは、東欧や中国の共産主義国で宣教師として働くことだったが、最終的には、日本に戻って自国の人々に福音を伝えることが神の召し出しであると認識した。
帰国後、長野県、横浜市、大阪府、京都府の4箇所で教会開拓と牧会に奉職。地域教会の役割と目的に対する情熱から、「The Ship: 寓話的教会論」(文芸社・ツラノ書院)という本を執筆。
また、薬物リハビリのミニストリーであるティーン・チャレンジ・ジャパンの理事、Evangelism Explosion Japanのナショナル・ディレクターとして奉職。
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